The answer is yes.
To port your phone numbers away from Woosender, follow these steps:
Contact the New Carrier: Reach out to the carrier to which you want to port your numbers (e.g., Verizon, AT&T). Each carrier has its own process, so it's important to follow their specific instructions.
Fill Out a Letter of Authorization (LOA): Most carriers will require you to complete a Letter of Authorization. This document allows the release of your number(s) from Woosender to the new carrier. Ensure that the LOA includes your address information as recorded by Woosender and the phone number(s) you wish to port.
Provide Necessary Documentation: Be prepared to provide any additional documentation that the new carrier might require, such as billing statements or identification.
Reach out to Woosender Support livechat to Approve the port away notification.
Complete the Process with the New Carrier: Follow any additional steps required by the new carrier to finalize the porting process.
Please note that portability rules can vary by country, and not all countries provide for number portability.